Corey White Design is committed to providing the best in central Maine web design. Our sites are designed to look good, but more importantly - they're designed to work great. If you're a business, that means that it makes you more money. If you're a nonprofit, then it gets your message out. Whatever you want, that's what we give you.
All of our sites are completely customized to the client's needs and hand-coded in modern XHTML and CSS. What does this mean to you?
- Smaller file sizes
- Cheaper hosting and updating costs
- Greater accessibility for mobile phones and speech-readers
- Better search engine results
Plus, you can rest assured in the knowledge that your website is designed using the best of today's technology, so that it will look and work great now and in the future.
We're proud to offer our services at no risk to you. First, get a free estimate. Then, we'll build your site, conferring with you at every step to make sure you're completely satisfied. Only after the site is finished - and only if you're truly happy with it - will you pay us.
Some people may be understandably reluctant to hire a student to design their websites. However, such reluctance is unfounded. The web is a new medium, and today's college students have aged along with it. To insist upon an older, more traditional designer is unnecessary - in fact, a traditional graphic designer's long experience with print design can be more of a liability than an asset when designing for the web.